We develop and supply equipment for machining wheelsets
Watch a video demonstration of the equipment operation
About company
New Lathe Technologies LTDA has become a pioneer in the field of mobile wheel turning solutions in Europe and Asia. Since 2013, we have been completely immersed in this mobile turning technology and currently produce mobile wheel lathes of two modifications, satisfying any need of a different customer, be it a railway workshop with a fleet of 5-7 locomotives; or a repair service company that provides mobile turning services with a team visiting the repair site; or large network companies with a maintenance fleet of more than 200 locomotives with machine loading 24/7:

Wheelset lathes of our own production

Machining of wheelsets without rolling it out and in the field conditions

The equipment does not require turner qualifications

Mobile wheel lathes of the WST 83.00, WST 83.00-2 series
Mobile lathes are designed for turning wheelsets of locomotives and cars without rolling it out
Average turning time:
from 1 to 4 hours for 1 wheel pair
Service staff:
does not require turner qualification
New Lathe Technologies LTDA
Production and sale of equipment